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Showing posts from August, 2024

Hughes Memorial UMC Blog WE 080324

  Hughes Church Calendar   This Week @ Hughes Sunday, August 4th - Communion Sunday -Our Worship service will be held in-person and virtually. Our preacher will be Rev. Dr. Reginald Tarpley.  His sermon entitled "Are You Still A Believer? - Part II " will be spoken from John 2:1-5. We will have Fellowship Hour after the morning service in the Fellowship Hall. Hughes Worship Experience   Teleconferencing Call 646-876-9923  Meeting ID: 580 158 070 |  Passcode: 922460 Tuesdays –  Community Meals Wednesdays –   Community Walks (Season will resume September 2024).   Students, We Want to Recognize You Students, grades pre-school through college, please contact Helen Ferguson or Jean Lee with your school information.  Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, etc. who have graduates in their families, please let us know. Upcoming Hughes  Events Sundays, August 1st - September 1st - Please bring your loose change and place it in the designated jar located in the Lobby. Proceeds will help defray t